Pressure Reducing Valves

Pressure reducing valves, or PRVs, are special units that are designed to reduce and stabilise the water pressure in a home or business. This is because when mains water pressure is too high, heating and water systems may not work as intended, components in appliances and elsewhere in the system may become damaged, and occupants could be at risk of harm.

Pressure reducing valves are available as direct acting or pilot operated systems. A direct acting PRV holds downstream pressure to a predetermined figure which is unaffected by upstream pressure fluctuations. A pilot-operated PRV balances downstream pressure using a pressure sensing pipe and a pressure adjustment control spring.

Both systems consist of a number of brassware fittings, which require periodic maintenance to ensure that they operate in an efficient and effective manner at all times. When correctly maintained and regularly cleaned, a PRV can last up to 15 years, although the springs in a pilot-operated system may need to be replaced every 3-5 years to keep it in optimal condition.

Failures typically occur when maintenance has not been conducted, foreign material or dirt has become lodged between the pilot valve seat and the head or when foreign particles have adhered to the seat of the main valve. These failures can usually be avoided by following the manufacturer's instructions for maintaining the system.

At Heating and Plumbing World, we are pleased to supply a range of Pressure Reducing Valves and component parts from leading manufacturer Altecnic Ltd. Their products are chosen for their simple and robust designs, ease of installation and maintenance, and excellent levels of customer support and aftercare.

We offer PRVs with a choice of gauge or no gauge and that are designed to be fitted in a number of different situations, ensuring that whatever the circumstances in which a PRV is required at your premises, we will have the correct product to deliver the highest quality standards, the safest result and a pleasing aesthetic appeal. Altecnic Ltd Pressure Reducing Valves are suitable for use in domestic and commercial properties, including multi-occupancy housing, and will deliver the results that you require.

We understand the complexities of domestic and commercial heating and plumbing and, therefore, ensure that our comprehensive range satisfies your every need. Our expert team is here, in person at your local store or by telephone or email to answer your questions, make tailored recommendations to address your individual requirements and provide you with the industry-leading after-sales support for which we are renowned.

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