

Flanged Air and Dirt Remover 150mm

with internals designed to create a large surface area for water to flow over causing coalescence. The coalescent effect releases microbubble of air and dirt which are able to rise to the top of the unit to be vented in the case of air, or sink to the base of the unit to be collect in the base of the unit and drained at a later stage.

Available in sizes from 50mm to 200mm


  • 1. Micro Bubbles are easily released from circulating water where the highest temperature and lowest pressure conditions occur in the system
  • 2. The separators should normally be fitted where water is at the highest temperature and the lowest pressure available.
  • 3. The examples shown below are typical installation layouts, but other acceptable and efficient locations for the separator exist.
  • 4. When selecting the position for the separator please be aware that pressure also has a major effect on the release of micro bubbles.
  • 5. For temperatures normally found within heating systems a one metre drop in head pressure is equivalent to a rise in temperature of four degrees centigrade.
  • 6. Where lower temperatures are involved in cooling applications system pressure becomes the determining factor of the position of the separator.
  • 7. The air and dirt separators should be installed in horizontal pipework, the direction of flow is optional.