Powrmatic Spares

The Powrmatic brand began in 1949, trading from a workshop in Whitechapel. It was set up by Kresno Stamm corporation who had been making oil heaters and steam boilers in New York since 1932. From the start, Powrmatic worked closely with Kresno Stamm's Holland branch, helping both countries recover from WWII through technological innovation. Shortly after, they developed the world's first fully automatic oil-fired warm air heaters. Before 1949, Britain's homes and buildings were dependent on solid fuel. Powrmatic's automatic oil-fired heaters helped London escape its air pollution problems and allowed buildings to be better heated at lower cost.

New plants in Reading and Somerset soon began building "Commercial Aire" heaters that are ancestral to almost all modern oil-fired space heaters (including the CPx and VPx ranges) and new gas heating and hot water systems.

Innovations and takeovers have steadily expanded the range of Powrmatic spares and products. Product lines now include fully condensing gas heaters, gas-fired warm air heaters, radiant heaters, process heaters, hot water air heaters, Opensky smoke ventilators, the Vision range, duct heaters, cabinet heaters, NVx heaters and a full range of HVAC and boiler products.

Powrmatic remain committed to innovation and environmental improvement. Powrmatic destratification fans provide a means of improving air quality and recouping wasted heat that collects near the roof, especially in large open spaces. Powrmatic destratification fans make a significant contribution to cutting CO2.

Powrmatic spares reflect the popularity of the brand. Powrmatic boiler spares now include fans, heaters, PCBs, control boxes, thermostats, thermocouples, heat pumps, probes, electrodes, gas valves, pressure switches, gaskets, injectors, hoses, burner assemblies and almost every other component needed for system builds and HVAC repairs.

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