Stelflow 300 Litre Twin Coil Solar Cylinder TRSMVS-0300LFC


Stelflow 300 Litre Twin Coil Solar Cylinder S300T

Features & Benefits

RM Cylinders Stelflow range of unvented hot water cylinder is designed to work with any solar system on the market. RM Cylinders have manufactured to the highest standards and supplied with innovative components to ensure quick recovery, low heat loss, and economic use of energy. The Stelflow unvented cylinder is insulated with 50mm 100% CFC and HCFC free polyurethane to minimise heat loss and heated by boiler and supports Thermal and PV solar.

  • Manufactured from high grade Duplex stainless steel
  • Fitted with Branded Quality Components
  • Factory pre built Gas or Oil Boiler Ready

Stelflow 300 Litre Twin Coil Solar Cylinder S300T

Height  (mm) 1980
Diameter  (mm) 545
C  (mm) 195
D  (mm) 370
E  (mm) 370
F  (mm) 1035
G  (mm) 1785
H  (mm)  
I  (mm) 785
More Information
Delivery Next Business Day
EAN Code 5060162700199
Item category code Stainless Product group code STELFLOW
Warranty terms  (Year) 25Y Max working pressure  (Bar) 3
Heat loss  (kWh_24h) 2.03 Energy usage  (W) 85
Reheat performance  (W) 29.3 Brand STELFLOW
Cylinder style SOLAR Capacity  (Ltr) 300
Actual capacity  (Ltr) 300 Unit weight empty  (kg) 63
Unit weight full  (kg) 353 Max mains water pressure  (Bar) 10
Operating temp t x0026 p  (C) 95 No heat exchangers 2
No immersions 1 Immersion spec kw 230v 3KW@230V
Coil 1 rating  (kW) 19.35 Coil 1 flow lpm 80c 45
Coil 1 surface area  (m²) .88 Coil 1 fluid content  (Ltr) 4.75
Coil 1 resistance  (Bar) .2 Coil 1 max prim pressure  (Bar) 3.5
Coil 2 rating  (kW) 20.87 Coil 2 flow lpm 80c 45
Coil 2 surface area  (m²) .88 Coil 2 resistance  (Bar) .2
Coil 2 max prim pressure  (Bar) 3.5 Dedicated solar volume  (Ltr) 150
Solar coil COIL 1 Tested to standard BS EN 12897:2006
Max fill pressure  (Bar) 3 Expansion vessel pressure  (Bar) 3
Operating pressure t x0026 p  (Bar) 7 Dual stat label 60
Erp profile 0 Energy usage yearly  (kWh) 0
Cylinder material LDX 2101 Thermal insulation DENSE PU FOAM
Outer casing COATED MILD STEEL Coil material 316L STAINLESS STEEL